This site is for the breeders of Croad Langshans in Australia.

We try to build a network of breeders to exchange information and genetics.


more information

Australian Clubs

The Langshan Club of Australia Inc.
90 Lions Drive
Mudgee NSW 2850
Tel 02 6372 1640

Langshan Club of Victoria


Books about Croad Langshans

Web pages

The Croad Langshan Club, England

Clare’s Croads, England

Croad Langshan by Lyn Heigl (.pdf)

The Poultry Keeper Forum, Croad Langshan

The Belgium Croad Langshan Club

The Livestock Conservancy (USA)

A French site: "la ferme rooster!"

About other Langshan varieties

Chinese Langshan


Other interesting sites

Rare Breeds Trust of Australia

Victorian Rare & New Breeds Poultry Society Inc. (established 1977)

Feather Clubs Association of Queensland

Old and Rare Vegetable Varieties

And don't forget to smile: Scratch and Peck


If your feel that your web page, club or book should be on this list, please contact us.


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